Two sets of reviews in a week! I think this is a personal record, albeit not for a stellar reason. Timing aside, this was an interesting month for Sips by. Every tea this month was, at the very least, interesting. As usual, there were ups and downs, but this month I think the ups outweighed the downs by far. So, what did this months’ shipment include?

#2 Sweet Matcha by Motion Matcha

This is my first experience with matcha tea. In truth, I wasn’t even 100% sure what matcha was until I received this sample. I’d seen it around on various tea sites, but it was just different enough that it never really caught my eye. However, get it from Sips by and there’s no reason not to try it anymore!

For those who aren’t familiar, matcha is a type of tea where you are consuming the tea leaves themselves. Rather than steeping, matcha blends in water or milk. To prepare matcha, the tea leaves are destemmed and deveined, and the remaining leaf is ground up into a fine water-soluble powder. The preparation process for these leaves results in a unique tea which has been favored in China and Japan for centuries.

My first cup of matcha was the result of a little trial and error. I didn’t use as much water as I probably should have and ended up with the powder not entirely dissolving. Despite this, I found the tea to be surprisingly sweet for having no sugar in it and rather enjoyed it. I’ll be adjusting the water for my next cup, and plan on making a cup with milk from the sample supply I received. Additionally, now that I have a better understanding and appreciation for matcha, I’ll be getting more in the future. It may even become a mainstay in my kitchen!

Sweet Matcha

#3 Organic Goji Green by DAVIDsTEA

I’ve had a soft spot for DAVIDsTEA since the first sample I received back in my third month. The vast majority of their teas that I have had the opportunity to try have been perfectly blended and, despite the occasional failure, they continue to impress. This goji berry backed green tea is no exception.

Superfood or not, goji berries are delicious and, blended with raspberries and orange peel, provide a stellar tea that has a bright, fruity flavor. Combine the taste with the memory-boosting and detox effects of the goji berries, and this is one outstanding fruit tea.

Organic Goji Green
Turmeric Active by Pukka
Sweet Matcha by Motion Matcha
Organic Goji Green by DAVIDsTEA
Dandelion Red Chai by Teeccino
The Break Down

I should note that I’ve adjusted my reviews a tiny bit; the Sips by™ site asks you to review each tea you try but restricts reviews to whole-star increments. I’ve decided that I’m going to rate each tea the same on my site that I do on theirs, even though this means slight adjustments may sometimes be necessary.

When everything is said and done, this was what I’d call a winning box. Yes, the red chai was a spectacular failure, but everything else falls into the “good” or “great” categories as far as I’m concerned.


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