It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Pop!_OS. Now I am the proud owner of a brand new Oryx Pro, so it's high time I finally review some real System76 hardware!
I've been running it on a Raspberry Pi 3 for ages, but I wanted a bit more power out of my media center, so I arranged to get myself a Vero for Christmas.
I discovered another conditional widgets plugin and it has, by far, eclipsed every possible plugin from the original post.
There are numerous plugins available that add custom meta fields. The one thing that isn't commonly taught, however, is how to add them to taxonomies.
In the world of development, the choice of editors is usually a very personal decision. So what is my choice?
. Particularly if you're working with multiple different platforms. In the WordPress world, we call them plugins.
There's a fairly good chance you've run across a strange file in the root (or topmost) directory. So just what is the .htaccess file?
Well, I'm going to start by saying that I've failed to make my 30-day mark. Somehow I managed to miss a day without even realizing I did it.
I feel it's important to note that accessibility is a subject that hits particularly close to home for me. No, I don't personally have a severe disability, but both my son and his mother do.
Now that I've had a little time to decompress, it's time to actually think through the events of the weekend and record my thoughts.
While some bloggers can write a post a day with relative ease, I've always found it much more difficult to come up with quality content.
WordCamp Tampa is (sadly) over, and I'm sitting at the Tampa airport going over the events of the last few days.
I thought that by now, everyone knew that running random code was generally a bad idea.
This is by far the best lightning talk I've ever seen, and I'm continually shocked at how many people aren't familiar with it...
This morning, I received a tweet regarding the best conditional widget plugin. So what is the best plugin?