I'm almost a week into a little personal challenge. I love writing, but coming up with the actual inspiration for new posts is surprisingly tricky for me.
I'm almost a week into a little personal challenge. I love writing, but coming up with the actual inspiration for new posts is surprisingly tricky for me.
Admittedly, the above word is not in any actual dictionary. In fact, to my knowledge, I am the first person ever to combine those two words. At the very least, an Internet search revealed no other known uses of the combination. But the idea is paramount to a significant change in my life that began in early 2017.
In short, I’m planning on converting a bus to an RV. Truthfully there’s a significant learning curve to converting a bus, but that’s the whole idea behind Evertiro. I came up with the word Evertiro while researching bus conversions after realizing that I had a lot to learn. Fortunately, I have no shortage of friends who have the necessary skills and have volunteered to help!
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