After my recent excellent experience with DAVIDsTEA, I decided to expand my horizons in terms of their tea selection.
After four months using Sips by™, I finally ran into something that I almost called a screw-up on their part.
Three months in, and Sips by™ is still going strong! As usual, this month wasn't a slam dunk but was well worth the experience.
It's my second month with Sips by™, and that means another round of reviews and an unexpected bonus!
In my recent review of my first-month experience with Sips by™, I made my feelings about the variety of tea available at your average grocer very clear.
After reading a metric ton on the million different available tea subscriptions, I decided to give Sips by™ a chance.
My current go-to hot sauce isn't the hottest I've ever tried, but it does an excellent job of blending flavor with heat.