Anyone who really knows me can attest that music is, and always has been, a considerable part of my life.
I don't care what anyone says, kitten therapy is a thing. Had the worst migraine for two days. Took every pain killer I had, nothing helped. Two minutes with the cat, and I felt 100% better.
Believe it or not, this is a question that more and more Americans have difficulty answering.
I discovered another conditional widgets plugin and it has, by far, eclipsed every possible plugin from the original post.
I did this colorization just a few days after my Jean Harlow colorization. Requested by a user on Reddit.
This colorization was built using a series of layer masks. I might have failed miserably on the ivy in the background.
Lots of studying, but I still haven't mastered skin tones. My overall technique has improved though!
My second colorization attempt! My technique hasn't improved much, but I liked the car.
A while back, I started experimenting with recoloring black and white photos. I probably should have done at least a little research...
My more observant followers are likely asking this very question. Well, there's a reason for that.
There are numerous plugins available that add custom meta fields. The one thing that isn't commonly taught, however, is how to add them to taxonomies.
In the world of development, the choice of editors is usually a very personal decision. So what is my choice?
. Particularly if you're working with multiple different platforms. In the WordPress world, we call them plugins.
There's a fairly good chance you've run across a strange file in the root (or topmost) directory. So just what is the .htaccess file?
Well, I'm going to start by saying that I've failed to make my 30-day mark. Somehow I managed to miss a day without even realizing I did it.